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Lead Generation, PPC Ads,

Promotion, Website Design & SEO, 

Content & Video Marketing

Order Your Plan or Book a Free Consultation

Premium Marketing, Advertising, & Conversion Rate Optimization

We Produce & Promote Content for Entrepreneurs
Follow Us On Instagram for More


Join motivated business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals around the world with our curated Instagram and Facebook promo! Choose from our packages below to boost your visibility.

For any questions or assistance, please contact us at Our team is dedicated to supporting you from onboarding to delivering custom content and performance insights. You may cancel your subscription anytime via your account dashboard or by emailing us. Refunds are not provided for completed services, but we are happy to address any concerns to ensure your satisfaction. While we strive to provide quality content and strategies, we do not guarantee specific outcomes such as revenue or follower growth. By subscribing, you agree to our terms and conditions.

Social Media Starter

999 $US


Tous les mois

Best for entrepreneurs looking for a shoutout or basic promo and social media management. 30 pieces of content/mo. 3 shoutouts on the GSM Instagram page every month and DM outreach.

Valide jusqu'à annulation

30 Pieces of Content Scheduled for You/mo

Account Creation/Management

500 Cold DMs to Promote your Brand/mo

3 Shoutouts on the Gold Shark Media Instagram Page/mo

1 Video Ad Created for Your Business or Brand/mo

Hashtag and Keyword Research

Facebook & Instagram Crossposting

Monthly Performance Report (see how your posts are doing)

Social Media Beast

2 499 $US

2 499

Tous les mois

For those getting started on social media. Basic social media management. 60 social media posts/mo. You'll also get 5 shoutouts on Gold Shark Media's Facebook and Instagram and DM outreach.

Valide jusqu'à annulation

60 Pieces of Content Scheduled for You/mo

Account Creation/Management

1,000 Cold DMs to Promote Your Brand/mo

5 Shoutouts on the Gold Shark Media Instagram Page/mo

3 Video Ads Created for Your Business or Brand/mo

Hashtag and Keyword Research

Facebook & Instagram Crossposting

Monthly Performance Report (see how your posts are doing)

Social Media Pro

4 999 $US

4 999

Tous les mois

For entrepreneurs serious about growing their social media for monetization and followers. 90 social media posts/mo. We give you 10 shoutouts on the Gold Shark Media Instagram page and DM outreach.

Valide jusqu'à annulation

90 Pieces of Content Scheduled for You/mo

Account Creation/Management

3,000 Cold DMs to Promote Your Brand/mo

10 Shoutouts on Gold Shark Media Instagram Page/mo

5 Video Ads Created for Your Business or Brand/mo

Hashtag and Keyword Research

Hooks and Captions Included with Features and Quality FX

Monthly Performance Report (see how your posts are doing)

We'll Be Your Full Time Sponsor and Affiliate


Become the contentpreneur you were meant to be. Change the World.



Tous les articles

The prices listed above are for standard service packages and may vary based on specific business needs, project complexity, and market demands. Custom plans are available upon request. All packages are subject to terms and conditions, and a signed service agreement is required prior to the start of any work. Gold Shark Media reserves the right to adjust pricing or service offerings at any time. Results are dependent on the client’s engagement and market conditions, and no specific outcome or guarantee is implied unless stated in the service agreement. Please consult with our team for detailed terms regarding each plan.

Apprentice Growth Plan

9 999 $US

9 999

Tous les 3 mois

Quick starter package for entrepreneurs and small business owners who need a hands on team for low cost. Great for startups, new brands, or small businesses.

Valide jusqu'à annulation

200 Social Media Posts Per Month

Account Creation/Management

5,000 Cold DMs to Promote Your Brand/mo

15 Shoutouts on Gold Shark Media Instagram Page/mo

Cold Email Sequence Setup & Management (1K+ Emails Monthly)

10 Video Ads Created for Your Business or Brand/mo

Hashtag and Keyword Research

Hooks and Captions Included with Features and Quality FX

PPC Ads Setup & Conversion Rate Optimization

$3500 in Total PPC Ad Spend

Website Build & Management with SEO Landing Page

5K+ Leads with Phone, Email, Social Media, Website, & More

Leads Fully Scraped and Vetted Based on Your Target Audience

Monthly Performance Report (see how your posts are doing)

How to Make $10,000 Per Month with ChatGPT-4o Guide

LinkedIn Lead Generation & Full Sales Navigator Guide

Step-by-Step SEO Guide

Comprehensive PR & Reputation Management Guide

Free Coffee Mug, T-Shirt, Hat, & Backpack from Our Store

Full Access to the Gold Shark Media Networking Group

Advanced Growth Plan

49 999 $US

49 999

Tous les 6 mois

For brands and businesses in need of advanced advertising and content marketing. Great choice for faster growth than our lower budget plans.

Valide jusqu'à annulation

500 Social Media Posts Per Month

Account Creation/Management

10,000 Cold DMs to Promote Your Brand/mo

20 Shoutouts on Gold Shark Media Instagram Page/mo

60 Social Media Posts Per Month (5 Platforms)

20 Video Ads Created for Your Business or Brand/mo

Hashtag and Keyword Research

Hooks and Captions Included with Features and Quality FX

Cold Email Sequence Setup & Management (10K+ Emails Monthly)

PPC Ads Setup & Conversion Rate Optimization

$5000 in Total PPC Ad Spend

Website Build & Management with SEO Landing Page

10K+ Leads (Name, Phone, Email, Social, Website, & More)

Leads Fully Scraped and Vetted Based on Your Target Audience

Monthly Performance Report (see how your posts are doing)

Podcast Promotion - YouTube, Spotify, Apple Pods, & More

How to Make $10,000 Per Month with ChatGPT-4o Guide

LinkedIn Lead Generation & Full Sales Navigator Guide

Step-By-Step Lead Generation Guide to DIY

Step-by-Step SEO Guide

Comprehensive PR & Reputation Management Guide

Free Coffee Mug, T-Shirt, Hat, & Backpack from Our Store

Full Access to the Gold Shark Media Networking Group

Elite Growth Plan

99 999 $US

99 999

Tous les 6 mois

Elite marketing for elite businesses and personal brands. Maximum ROAS with Lead Generation, Nurturing, and Full Sales Cycle Management. We will fill your calendar with appointments monthly.

Valide jusqu'à annulation

1000 Social Media Posts Per Month

Account Creation/Management

50,000 Cold DMs to Promote Your Brand/mo

30 Shoutouts on Gold Shark Media Instagram Page/mo

30 Video Ads Created for Your Business or Brand/mo

$25,000 in Total PPC Ad Spend

300 Short Form Videos Edited & Scheduled Monthly

Cold Email Sequence Setup & Management (100K+ Emails/mo)

20 Shoutouts on Gold Shark Media Instagram Page/mo

Hashtag and Keyword Research

Hooks and Captions Included with Features and Quality FX

Cold Email Sequence Management (500K+ Emails Monthly)

PPC Ads Setup & Conversion Rate Optimization

$25,000 in Total PPC Ad Spend

Website Build & Management with SEO Landing Page

50K+ Leads (Name, Phone, Email, Social, Website, & More)

Leads Fully Scraped and Vetted Based on Your Target Audience

Brand Promotion via YouTube, Spotify, Apple Pods, & TV Ads

E-Learning Course Creation & Monetization

How to Make $10,000 Per Month with ChatGPT-4o Guide

LinkedIn Lead Generation & Full Sales Navigator Guide

Step-By-Step Lead Generation Guide to DIY

Step-by-Step SEO Guide

Comprehensive PR & Reputation Management Guide

Free Coffee Mug, T-Shirt, Hat, & Backpack from Our Store

Hooks and Captions Included with Features and Quality FX

Full Access to the Gold Shark Media Networking Group

VIP Gold Plan

499 999 $US

499 999

Tous les ans

For established brands, influencers, and public figures. Get maximum brand reach and integrate with the best marketing agencies around the world. Gain access to investors, CEOs, and top talent.

Valide jusqu'à annulation

Access to Top Marketing Agencies, Coaches, & Networks

5000 Social Media Posts Per Month

Most Experienced & Top Rated Account Manager(s)

100,000 Cold DMs to Promote Your Brand/mo

50 Shoutouts on Gold Shark Media Instagram Page/mo

50 Video Ads Created for Your Business or Brand/mo

$100,000 in Total PPC Ad Spend

Cold Email Sequence Management (1M Emails Sent/mo)

Website Build & Management with SEO Landing Page

100K+ Leads (Name, Phone, Email, Social, Website, & More)

Leads Fully Scraped and Vetted Based on Your Target Audience

Brand Promotion via YouTube, Spotify, Apple Pods, & TV Ads

E-Learning Course Creation & Monetization

Get Honest Quality Testimonials & Reviews for Your Product

How to Make $10,000 Per Month with ChatGPT-4o Guide

LinkedIn Lead Generation & Full Sales Navigator Guide

Step-By-Step Lead Generation Guide to DIY

Step-by-Step SEO Guide

Comprehensive PR & Reputation Management Guide

Free Coffee Mug, T-Shirt, Hat, & Backpack from Our Store

Full Access to the VIP Gold Shark Media Networking Group


10X Your Business with

5K+ Leads, PPC Ads that Convert, & Quality SEO with Social Media Management

Tell Us About Your Project. How Can We Help?

De quels domaines marketing votre entreprise a-t-elle le plus besoin ? Sélectionnez les 3 domaines les plus urgents sur lesquels vous souhaitez que notre équipe travaille.
Quel est votre budget pour ce projet ?
Avez-vous déjà un site Web ou avez-vous besoin que nous en créions un pour vous ?
Oui, j'ai déjà un site Web et je n'ai pas besoin d'un nouveau site Web. J'ai besoin de référencement et de publicités pour mon site Web actuel.
Non, je n'ai pas de site web. Je recherche une agence qui peut m'en créer un et maximiser les conversions.
Oui, j'ai déjà un site Web, mais je souhaite créer un site Web distinct pour une portée maximale.
Non, je n'ai pas de site Web et je ne veux pas payer pour en avoir un.
En planifiant une consultation gratuite, vous comprenez qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un appel de coaching. Vous en apprendrez davantage sur nos services parce que vous souhaitez investir dans votre entreprise avec les publicités PPC, le référencement de sites Web, la génération de leads et le marketing de contenu. Promettez-vous de vous présenter ?
Oui, je me présenterai à l'appel que j'ai programmé. Je comprends que cela vise à en savoir plus sur l'investissement dans les services de marketing numérique de Gold Shark Media.
Non, je ne souhaite pas participer à un appel et je ne suis pas prêt à investir pour le moment.
Où avez-vous entendu parler de nous ?

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